Title: | A Novel Dyanamic Efficient Route Discovery Mechanism for Secure Routing Protocol in Mobile ADHOC Network |
Issue: | An International Journal (AMIJ) |
Author(s): | R. Veena and Dr. E. Gnanamanoharan |
[PDF File (175 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Investor’s Awareness Towards Commodities Market with Reference to Chennai City: A Study |
Issue: | An International Journal (AMIJ) |
Author(s): | R. Sundaravadivel and Dr. Rajarajen Vanjeko |
[PDF File (355 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Rejuvenation Procedure in Siddha Literature as Preventive Health Measures and Promotion of Longevity |
Issue: | An International Journal (AMIJ) |
Author(s): | Balagurusamy. K , Subash Chandran. G and Pitchiah Kumar. M |
[PDF File (564 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Public Policies in Welfare State India Continuity and Changes |
Issue: | An International Journal (AMIJ) |
Author(s): | Dr. Mohamed ViquaruddIn |
[PDF File (355 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Fast and Safe Mobility of Patients through Smart Vehicle Communication System |
Issue: | An International Journal (AMIJ) |
Author(s): | R.Mariappan, S.Senthil, S.Selvaraj and S.Rajaprakash |
[PDF File (645 KB)] - [Abstract] | |